How To Play Poker 5 Card Draw

4/12/2022by admin

The poker game 5 Card Draw is a fun, strategic game played with two to six players. 5 Card Draw is less about the cards you get dealt, and more about how you play them. Find the video tutorial and written explanation below for how to play 5 card draw.

Party Strip Poker. The first multi-opponent (multi-model) strip poker 5-card draw game online. This gameallows you to play against 5 different models in a game of Strip Poker. The rules for how to play 5 Card Draw poker and lists of the best draw poker sites for players.

5 Card Draw Tutorial



How To Play 5 Card Draw Poker Download

52 card deck; two to six players, poker chips


Before the cards get dealt, each player needs to add an ante to the pot, such as one chip. The ante amount is determined before play begins.


Each player is dealt five cards, one card at a time.


The object of the game is to win chips. Chips are won by being the only player that did not fold, or by having the highest ranking poker hand among all the players that did not fold at the end of the hand.

Poker Hand Rank

  • Straight Flush (five cards in sequence in the same suit)

  • Four of a kind

  • Full House (three of a kind with a pair)

  • Flush (Five cards in the same suit)

  • Straight (Five cards in sequence)

  • Three of a kind

  • Two pairs

  • Pair

  • High Card

Card Rank

Highest to lowest - Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Game Play

The player left of the dealer is first to make a bet or can check. Check means the player is still in the hand without increasing the bet. Once a bet is made, calling check is no longer an option.

Betting moves clockwise, with players having to match any previous bets. A player can also raise the amount of a previous bet. If a player does not want to bet, the player can fold his/her cards, and be out for the round. A folding player sacrifices his/her ante. Players must match the highest amount bet to stay in the round.


After the first round of betting, all remaining players get to discard unwanted cards from their hands. The dealer will deal each player the amount of cards he/she discarded.

Another round of betting begins with players again having to at least bet as much as any previous bets. A player still has the option to fold at this time.

Once the betting round is over, all remaining players in the hand show their cards. The player with the highest ranking poker hand wins all the chips in the pot.


  • The middle pot gets split if players have equally ranked poker hands.

  • An ace can be used as the highest card in a straight or the lowest card in a straight.

  • If all players check in the first round of betting, the deal moves to the next player. Each player adds another ante.

  • When playing with six players, the most a player can discard is three cards.


Some variations of the game have the rules that no player can bet unless he/she has a pair of jacks or higher, and the most a player can discard is three cards no matter how many players are playing.

5 Card Draw Poker Online: Game Rules Spelled Out For Novices

How To Play Poker 5 Card Draw

Before Texas Holdem gained popularity in the early 2000s, 5 Card Draw Poker had been the most played poker game in the world. Its simple rules and fast-paced gameplay appealed to novice players in particular. Nowadays, it’s rare to find this variation in land-based casinos, but there are plenty of options to play 5 Card Draw Poker online at web gambling portals.

Simple Explanation Of 5 Card Draw Poker Online

Below is a concise list of all gameplay stages:

  1. Blinds are posted.
  2. Everyone receives 5 cards.
  3. A round of betting.
  4. Players cast aside any cards they dislike and draw new cards.
  5. A round of betting.
  6. The showdown.

Let’s have a more detailed look at each of these phases.

Blinds: The Forced Pre-Deal Bets

Blinds are the bets which players must place before any cards are dealt. 5 Card Draw Poker online has two kinds of blind bets: small and big.

How To Play 5 Card Draw Poker For Beginners

Small blind is made only by the first player to the left of the dealer. It equals to 50% of the full bet amount. For instance, if the bet amount is set to 100, the small blind is 50.

Big blind is made only by the first player to the left of the small blind (second to the left of the dealer). It equals to 100% of the full bet amount.

When you’re playing for real money, pre-deal forced bets in 5 Card Draw Poker online form the pot before the game starts.

The Deal And Initial Round of Betting

Once the blind bets are in, the gamblers receive five cards, starting from the first player to the dealer’s left. In 5 Card Draw Poker online, all cards are private (dealt face down).

The first betting round ensues. How much you can bet depends on the pre-set betting limits.

  • Fixed Limit betting means the limit is predetermined by the size of the blinds.
  • Pot Limit betting means the players’ bets must be lower or equal to the amount in the pot.
  • No Limit is essentially unblocked betting in 5 Card Draw Poker online. You’re free to place at stake everything you’ve got as soon as it’s your turn to make a betting action.

Whoever sits to the big blind’s left is the first to perform a betting action. His or her options are: match the current bet (“call”) or raise it in case of having a good hand, or fold their disadvantageous hand and drop out.

The Draw: The Core Stage Of 5 Card Draw Poker Online

Once everyone has placed their bets in the first round, they are given the option to discard any cards they consider disadvantageous. Then the gamblers draw new cards from the deck to replace the discarded ones.

According to analytical poker tools, the probability of being dealt a Full House or a higher-ranking hand in 5 Card Draw Poker online is extremely small. However, if the player fancies their cards, they don’t have to discard and draw any. Refusing to draw is called “standing pat”.

How to play 5 card draw poker download

The Last Round of Betting and Showdown

After every willing player has drawn new cards, another round of betting takes place. If you’re playing Five Card Draw Poker online, free, the 2nd betting round is the final one. This time, whoever sits to the dealer’s left is the first to perform a betting action.

The showdown ensues, where everyone opens up their cards. The pot goes to whoever holds the highest-ranking hand. If two or more players are tied, the pot is divided into equal shares.

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